We have recommenced in-person services on a Sunday morning. Social distancing measures will continue but, from the beginning of September, places will no longer need to be booked in advance. Sunday services can also be viewed online.


Our calendar is full of great events to watch out for…

Events for 1st July
Events for 2nd July
Events for 3rd July
Events for 4th July
Events for 5th July
Events for 6th July
No Events
Events for 7th July
Events for 8th July
Events for 9th July
Events for 10th July
Events for 11th July
Events for 12th July
Events for 13th July
No Events
Events for 14th July
Events for 15th July
Events for 16th July
Events for 17th July
Events for 18th July
Events for 19th July
Events for 20th July
Events for 21st July
Events for 22nd July
Events for 23rd July
Events for 24th July
Events for 25th July
Events for 26th July
Events for 27th July
No Events
Events for 28th July
Events for 29th July
No Events
Events for 30th July
Events for 31st July
Events for 1st August
Events for 2nd August
Events for 4th August

Welcome to Woodley Baptist Church where we hope you will find a community centred around loving Jesus Christ and making Him known. For more info read here.


Take note - Weekly newsletter

If you don’t already receive this, please contact the Church Office here.

Follow our Facebook page

Get the latest information and watch our Sunday services online here.