Kerry Stillman | Pioneers
Kerry Stillman was initially sent by Pioneers UK to work in Cameroon where she became part of a team which established a hospital, which serves the local community’s medical needs and is an instrument to lead people to Jesus. While there, Kerry worked as a physiotherapist and trained Cameroonian colleagues. The hospital is now in the hands of her Cameroonian colleagues and being run by Cameroon Baptist Convention, who already run several successful hospitals and health centres in the country.
Kerry and the team with whom she worked, moved south some time ago for security reasons and spent most of their time reaching out to people who don’t yet know Jesus, and training Muslim background believers to share the Gospel with their own people. The local church there has taken part in training in sharing faith and is now involved in evangelism in the area. One of these believers from a Muslim background has spent time in Chad and God has used him to lead a number of nomadic Fulbe people there to faith in Christ.
In May 2023 Kerry returned home and started a new role with Pioneers UK as part of the Pioneers Gateway Team, based in the UK. Her role includes getting alongside new appointees who are preparing to join Pioneers teams around the world, and supporting Pioneers members who are on field teams. With her previous experience of working among Mus. people and implementing disciple-making strategy, she looks forward to encouraging others in similar work.
Part of Kerry’s new role is to encourage more local church engagement in sharing the gospel. She is involved in an online course called ‘Culture Bridge’ which aims to equip Christians from other parts of the world (Africa, Asia, South America etc) now living in the UK, who would like to share the Gospel with British people. Kerry is also available to continue her mentoring role of disciple makers in Cameroon and the wider West Africa region.