Will and Judith Sawers | Wycliffe Bible Translators

Will and Judith Sawers are members of Woodley Baptist Church and have worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators for almost 30 years. They support Bible translation in the Central African Republic and worldwide, motivated by Wycliffe’s vision for a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible in a language which speaks to their heart.
After living and working in central Africa for 15 years, they are now based in the UK. Will works with Central African Bible translation teams as a consultant, checking and approving their translations for publication by working in detail through Bible passages with them. He works remotely from the UK, and makes periodic visits to the Central African Republic.
Judith raises awareness about the joys and challenges of Bible translation work in CAR through her role as Prayer and Communications officer for their team there, to encourage prayer and support of all kinds. She also works for Wycliffe in the UK, supporting and advising colleagues developing their personal financial support teams amongst their churches and friends.
You can make a financial contribution to Will and Judith’s work here, or through WBC. Sign up for regular weekly prayer updates on Bible translation in CAR by contacting Judith on info_car@sil.org. For information on Wycliffe click here.