
Listen to and download talks from our Sunday services

This morning’s service starts at 10.15am with Jane van Es leading and Kerry Stillman preaching on "Sharing Jesus with others" .
This morning’s communion service starts at 10.15am with Graham Sumbler leading and Chris van Es preaching on Covenant - Exodus 24:3-8; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Romans 12:1-2 .
Our next livestreamed service starts at 10.15am on 29th December with Julie Russell leading and Grace Hope preaching on "Christmas is over - now what?"
This afternoon's candlelit carol service, the Fourth Sunday in Advent, starts at 4:00pm with Grace Hope preaching. Two videos are shown during this service: O come, all you unfaithful :…
This morning’s service, the Fourth Sunday in Advent, starts at 10.15am with John Saunders leading and Howard Ballard preaching on "Zechariah's Song" Luke 1:67-79.
This morning’s service is an all age café service of with an "Instant Nativity" with Graham Sumbler. Please come along and hear a re-telling of the Christmas Story found in…
This morning’s service, the Second Sunday in Advent, starts at 10.15am with Jane van Es leading and Chris van Es preaching on "Mary's Song" Luke 1:46-55.
This morning’s service, the First Sunday in Advent, starts at 10.15am with Rachel Hughes leading and Jonathan Edwards preaching on "The Body of Christ" 1 Corinthians 12.12-26.
This morning’s service is an all age café service of worship and discussion - "Angels - who are they and what do they do?" with Grace Hope. Due to the…
Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Sheila Stokes Thursday 21st November 2024 at 2.15 pm led by Nick Debney  
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